Experts & Advisors
David W. Halligan
Managing Director

425 California Street, Suite 2600
San Francisco, CA 94104
+1.415.356.7100 Main
+1.415.356.7138 Direct
+1.510.610.4187 Mobile
David W. Halligan, PhD, PE, is a Managing Director at Ankura, based in San Francisco. He has twenty-nine years of experience in construction management, loss of productivity analysis, schedule delay analysis, cost overrun analysis, project controls, and disputes resolution on a wide variety of projects. Specifically, Dave has worked on power plants, industrial facilities, heavy rail transit systems, tunnels, dams, highways, bridges, pipelines, high-rise buildings, water and wastewater treatment facilities, correctional facilities, hospitals, educational and institutional facilities, military bases, and high-tech facilities. Dave has supported clients in resolving disputes involving loss of productivity and schedule delays through negotiations, mediations, dispute review boards, and arbitration testimony. Dave is a published author on loss of productivity in construction and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Loss of Productivity Standards Committee.
Dave has worked on nearly 100 national and international projects during his career. The following projects represent some of his more significant professional experience:
- Schedule Delay and Loss of Productivity Expert Analysis: Leading an engagement evaluating delays and productivity impacts incurred during construction of two very large combined cycle gas-fired power plants in the Middle East. Findings are being presented to senior client management and, if necessary, Dave will provide testimony at ICC arbitration.
- Schedule Delay and Loss of Productivity: Evaluated delays and productivity impacts on a major design-build expansion of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system. Prepared and issued detailed findings to counsel to assist client in negotiating settlements on approximately $170 million in claims.
- Loss of Productivity Expert Analysis: Analyzed alleged loss of productivity that occurred during construction of a 300km design-build powerline project in remote areas of British Columbia. Prepared expert report and provided arbitration testimony rebutting $150 million in labor claims being made by the contractor.
- Change Order Entitlement Expert Analysis: Performed an entitlement analysis on approximately 180 alleged design changes involving expansion of a microchip fabrication facility in Oregon. As designated expert, prepared detailed graphic presentation for use in arbitration proceedings. The matter settled prior to testimony.
- Panama Canal Expansion – Differing Site Conditions: Reviewed baseline construction documents and compared the conditions set forth therein to the actual conditions and parameters encountered. Assisted in the preparation of findings for presentation to the client.
- Schedule Delay and Change Order Entitlement: Assisted in the preparation of delay and disruption claims arising from a design-build extension of a major freeway in the Toronto metropolitan area. Specifically, analyzed impacts related to environmental permitting and the interpretation of specifications related to design of a major overpass.
- Loss of Productivity and Schedule Acceleration: Investigated subcontractor claims for productivity impacts constructing a $1 billion aluminum smelter in the Middle East. Assisted the client in developing positions to successfully negotiate the claims and close-out the project.
- Schedule Delay Expert Analysis: Prepared a schedule delay analysis and a presentation at mediation to resolve delay claims that arose during construction of a major new federal building in California. Organized and coordinated efforts of design standard-of-care and construction methods technical experts.
- Project Management Consulting: Coordinated and managed efforts of multiple consultants performing work under Caltrans’ industry capacity expansion (ICE) program.
- Project Management Consulting: Evaluated Caltrans’ contract administration processes.
- Project Management Consulting: Updated and revised portions of the Caltrans’ construction manual.
- Project Management: Developed policies and procedures to monitor and report cost and schedule progress on the design-build proposed extension of the SR-241 Corridor in southern California.
- Schedule Delay Expert Analysis: Performed disruption, delay, and acceleration analysis on construction of a roadway viaduct in Oregon. Evaluated critical path schedules and other contemporaneous documents to allocate delay and determine delay damages. Assisted in preparing for and presenting findings at administrative hearings and mediation.
- Cost Analysis: Evaluated the comparative costs of completing versus abandoning a partially completed $1.5 billion coal-fired power plant in Europe.
- Schedule Delay Expert Analysis: Conducted a delay analysis of a water pipeline project where the contractor was terminated and where the follow-on contractor was further delay by an explosion at an adjacent pipeline. Provided testimony at mediation and at a mini-trial to resolve the dispute.
- Education
- PhD, University of California, Berkeley
- MS, University of California, Berkeley
- BS, University of California, Berkeley
- Honors & Awards
- Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society
- Certifications
- Professional Engineer, Civil, State of California
- Affiliations
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Society of Construction Law
- Project Management College of Scheduling