Experts & Advisors
Bradley Lohmeyer
Senior Managing Director

150 North Riverside Plaza, Suite 2400
Chicago, IL 60606
+1.312.252.9507 Direct
+1.815.382.7378 Mobile
Bradley Lohmeyer is a Senior Managing Director at Ankura with over 15 years of experience leading and performing complex data analytics engagements in a wide range of scenarios. His expertise includes projects involving cyber and financial crime investigations, crypto and digital asset investigations, litigation consulting, and business intelligence. Brad leverages his education and hands-on experience with enterprise systems and other novel data sources to develop innovative, analytics-based solutions to clients’ critical business challenges. He is based in Chicago.
Brad approaches each client engagement through a business lens, seeking to first understand the various facts, processes, and issues at hand. With this understanding, he then works collaboratively with stakeholders to identify and gain access to the relevant systems and data sources pertaining to those foundational considerations. Brad and his team are experts at designing, visualizing, and communicating analytics that effectively address and contextualize key points of interest.
Representative engagements include:
- IP Litigation and Investigation: A national financial services firm was accused of stealing trade secrets from a vendor, including reverse-engineering the vendor’s proprietary valuation model. Brad led a team of data analysts to review the source code extracted from Visual Studio and other code repositories in order to analyze and document the changes in logic and code comprising dozens of machine learning models. Brad and team also analyzed data and procedures across over 40 databases, totaling four terabytes of data, to definitively trace data flowing into each model iteration. In preparation for litigation and expert testimony, Brad devised several substantive analyses to dispel and disprove the allegations against the client. Throughout the engagement, Brad contributed to overall case strategy in close coordination with counsel, a testifying expert, and several senior client stakeholders.
- Multinational Cyber Investigation: A wealthy individual and defense contractor was the target of a hacking operation backed by a foreign nation-state. Brad led an analytics team working in coordination with Ankura’s cybersecurity experts to trace the origin, identify co-conspirators, and drive counter-offensive litigation. As part of the effort, Brad and team obtained and analyzed a multitude of data sources, including call log records from more than 10 individuals and four different carriers, subpoena records from internet services, web and server logs, and financial records. Brad and team organized and combined these into a single source for visualization, analysis, and presentation to counsel and other key stakeholders.
- Cyber Investigation: A global compliance firm suffered an expansive, persistent cyber breach by threat actors targeting the volumes of material, non-public financial information maintained within one of the firm’s web-based products. Brad led a team of analysis and investigators to identify compromised user accounts and affected customer data, utilizing advanced analytics and visualization techniques across more than 10 terabytes of data from weblog, firewall, MFA, application, company database, and public sources. Along with Ankura’s cyber experts, Brad advised the client and external counsel on the details of the threat actor’s use of the client’s web-based application, the weakness identified and mitigated, and in production negotiations with relevant regulators.
- Cryptocurrency Litigation: An early investor in a cryptocurrency company faced fraud allegations and potential litigation from fellow investors. Ankura advised and supported counsel and its client on a range of fronts, including forensic accounting, deep web collections and analysis, and e-discovery document reviews. Brad led a team of data analysts in deconstructing the company’s proprietary database that recorded investments and redemptions in the company’s various crypto assets, helping to identify potentially harmed investors and quantify associated losses. Brad further led a workstream to create a chronological timeline depicting the plaintiff’s cryptocurrency trading history relative to the plaintiff’s and other relevant parties’ social media timelines.
- Front-Running Trading Investigation: A large investment firm received whistleblower allegations that one of its portfolio managers engaged in front-running orders placed by another manager in the same firm. The allegation spanned several years and strategies. Brad and team collected and analyzed hundreds of millions of trading records and presented the client and external counsel with custom analysis and visualizations of complex audit trail and trading data, summarizing and contextualizing key facts in a consumable fashion. Along with counsel, Brad advised the client on a strategy to address relevant regulators.
- Crypto Token Price Analysis: A crypto lending platform engaged Brad and his team to perform analytics on their token prices over time. Brad and team analyzed the token price relative to major coin price movements (BTC, ETH) and relative to company and industry news and events to assess the extent to which the token’s price movements were correlated to or caused by market factors. Ankura’s analysis was utilized by the client and its outside counsel in discussions with regulators.
- DeFi Investigation: Brad led a multidisciplinary team in an investigation of a large DeFi protocol. Brad and team reviewed smart contracts and DAO voting mechanisms and histories to identify potential areas of fraud and wrongdoing. Using a combination of proprietary tools and commercial tracing platforms, the team also performed tracing analysis and trade pattern analytics to identify funds allegedly siphoned from the protocol. Brad and team supported counsel in forming its case.
- Legal Spend Expert Matter: A multinational company seeking nearly $800 million in legal fees and costs as damages arising out of a claim for violation of a bilateral investment treaty engaged Ankura to provide an expert report and testimony in support of its claim. Brad led a multidisciplinary team to analyze more than 15 years of legal invoices and related documents, including identifying key metrics and patterns relating to the company’s management of its outside legal advisors and related spend. Brad served as point of contact for the client and counsel throughout the engagement, overseeing key elements of report drafting and testimony preparation. During and after the arbitration, Brad participated in the formulation of a custom tool, to be developed collaboratively by both parties, to assist the tribunal in its decision making.
- Bernard L. Madoff Ponzi Scheme: Beginning in early 2009, Brad worked for seven years on behalf of the SIPA Trustee to investigate and unwind the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme – the largest such fraud in history. To this end, Brad served in several capacities, including reconstructing hundreds of millions of trading records to reconcile them with third-party data, reviewing and assessing program code used to execute the fraud, and designing and performing various financial red-flag analyses to drive recovery efforts.
- Education
- MS, Predictive Analytics, Northwestern University
- BS, Finance, University of Illinois
- Certifications
- Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (in progress)
- Certified Cryptocurrency Forensic Investigator (in progress)